
Famous Artists in Surat!

Famous Artists in Surat!

You might have heard about Bangalore, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur and many other big cities. Surat, though not as big as the ones said earlier, but it sure is famous and on its path to be called one of the top cities of our country. Surat, the city of sun, is indeed world known for its diamond polishing and cutting and…

Why artists are underrated

Why artists are underrated

Magritte proudly said – “Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist” which can’t be more true. Look around yourself, you won’t find a single place that’s devoid of art or does not hold the potential to inspire an artist.  And isn’t it’s said that God is the ultimate artist with this world and us are nothing…

Where does the art come from?

Where does the art come from?

We all find ourselves mesmerized by different artworks like abstract paintings, expressive dance performances, mystical magic shows, deep poetries, thoughtful songs and what not! There lives and breathes umpteenth number of art forms and art pieces that amaze us, inspire us! But have you ever wondered how those artists create those art? From where those little works of awesomeness emerge? …

How can you support an Artist?

How can you support an Artist?

Have you ever had a friend or a cousin who is an artist, who dances or sings, or writes, or does and creates something so spectacularly beautiful that leaves you mesmerized? There’s a very huge possibility that you had or still have someone like that in your life. Maybe, you, yourself are that artist whose artwork people can’t stop admiring. …